Friday 11 October 2013

Third project (Sculpture)


Haa..this is the best part,,i did not sleep to finish up this project,of course lah because we have given one week,but during that week we also have a Pimpin Siswa camp for 3 days 2 three days already burn,only left 4 days to do the sculpture.Thanks god because they don't care what meterial we use,So,it become more easy,because i can use what ever i want and i have.

.then,this is my material:

emm..tambah sikit,sabun tu ana guna putih,prple and pink..dan satu lagi material surat khabar.
cerita dia,ana PLAN LAIN,LUKIS LAIN,BUAT JADI LAIN...hehe tengok ni hasil dia..:

my sculpture

 kelopak bunga tu,ana guna sabun,,purple tu sabun,yang macam bunga kecik2 tu lilin,yang batang tu ana guna besi,then lilit dengan copper wire,yang macam lilitan tu copper wire,ana gabung dan buat dia macam dendan rambut..
Setiap sculpture kena ada story,then,sculpture ana pon ada story..

"perempuan ibarat bunga,bunga itu mestilah hasilkan bau yang menyenangkan,jangan jadi macam bunga raflesia,cantik tapi..em faham2 lah kan,,untuk menjadi wanita yang berjaya tak mudah,kita mesi melalui perjalanan yang berliku2 untuk sampai kepuncak kejayaan"
emmm..itu la lah,ana happy dengan sculure ana..



For the second project,we must draw natural and man made structure,whats that?? 
Hehe..we need do the skechess.For the Natural such as animal,plant,man made such as gazebo and bus stop.Then, i choose tree trunk that have one or two leaves,beside that we can see the reflection of the tree trunk on surface of the lake.Then,for the man made  i choose gazebo.

Beside do the sketch, the real photo for the skechess alse need to show.So,the lecture can  compare.Oh my god,you no what so many different between my skeches and the real photo.I fell want to torn the A3.but it not to bad hehe.

For this project i also forget to take the photo for my skechess...hemm..i just story,not put in the photo,so boring right.For the drawing i take around for 4 hours to finish it.Fuhh i take a long long time,it's not easy for me that have no talent in drawing.
By the way, i already start love all this..

Haaa..yhis is the origanal picture:

Man made

Natural structure

First Project (ME,MYSELF & I )

                           "Starting from zero ...."

There is no direct basis in drawing, writing also ..
It is quite difficult to want to write a new recognize "architectural lettering".

What i do just, Practise writing, practise.practise. and Practise .. write a, b, c range like kindergarten ago ..
see this ..



i could not take the picture..because to nervous to submit the asignment untill forget to take the picture .The drawing is about,my potret  wth my personal logo..
but alhamdulillah lah,after practise and practise i have improve my writing the architectural lettering.

Slow2 lah..hendak seribu daya,x hendak seribu dalih,,eh.betul ke tak haha peribahasa ni..hehe
but,before i forget actually so many times i need to redo back my project because have so many problem,such as wrong spelling,line not straight,the line we need to do fix to
3mm,'s to small line.